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add(ExecutionResult<T, R>) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResults
adds result to existing collection of results
addAsDependencyToAllInitialNodes(T) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultDependentTasksExecutor
addAsDependencyToAllInitialNodes(T) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutor
Adds the node as dependency to all initial nodes (at the time of adding), meaning this given node would be evaluated first and then all initial nodes would run in parallel
addAsDependentOnAllLeafNodes(T) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultDependentTasksExecutor
addAsDependentOnAllLeafNodes(T) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutor
Adds the node as dependent on all leaf nodes (at the time of adding), meaning all leaf nodes would be evaluated first and then the given node
addDependency(T, T) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultDependentTasksExecutor
addDependency(T, T) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutor
Add Two dependent nodes into the graph, creating the nodes if not already present
addDependency(T, T) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Dag
Should add the two nodes in the datastructure in such a way that evalFirstValue should be evaluated before evalAfterValue.
addDependency(T, T) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.DefaultDag
addInComingNode(Node<T, R>) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
Add the given node, to the set of incoming nodes
addIndependent(T) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultDependentTasksExecutor
addIndependent(T) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutor
Add a node as independent, it does not require any dependent node
addIndependent(T) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Dag
Adds the given node to the datastructure whith out any dependency Nodes should be created only if it is not already added.
addIndependent(T) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.DefaultDag
addOutGoingNode(Node<T, R>) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
add the given to the set of out going nodes
allNodes() - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Dag
Returns all nodes in this graph
allNodes() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.DefaultDag


checkNotNull(T, String) - Static method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.support.Preconditions
Checks if the reference is null, and if that is the case throws IllegalArgumentException
com.github.dexecutor.core - package com.github.dexecutor.core
com.github.dexecutor.core.graph - package com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
com.github.dexecutor.core.support - package com.github.dexecutor.core.support
CyclicValidator<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
A Validator which does cyclic checks
CyclicValidator() - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.CyclicValidator


Dag<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Interface in com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
Dependency would be constructed based on this APIs, Dexecutor uses this data structure to represent the dependencies between tasks
DefaultDag<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
Default implementation of Graph
DefaultDag() - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.DefaultDag
DefaultDependentTasksExecutor<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core
Default implementation of @DependentTasksExecutor
DefaultDependentTasksExecutor(ExecutorService, TaskProvider<T, R>) - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultDependentTasksExecutor
Creates the Executor with bare minimum required params
DefaultDependentTasksExecutor(DependentTasksExecutorConfig<T, R>) - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultDependentTasksExecutor
Creates the Executor with Config
DefaultExecutionEngine<T,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core
Default Executor, which internally operates on @ExecutorService
DefaultExecutionEngine(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultExecutionEngine
Creates the default instance given @ExecutorService, internally it uses @CompletionService
DependentTasksExecutor<T extends Comparable<T>> - Interface in com.github.dexecutor.core
Main Interface for Dexecutor framework, It provides api to build the graph and and to kick off the execution.
DependentTasksExecutor.ExecutionBehavior - Enum in com.github.dexecutor.core
Defines the execution behavior of the tasks TERMINATING : Whole tasks execution would come to an end after the execution is thrown NON_TERMINATING : Tasks execution wont come to halt after an exception is thrown out of task RETRY_ONCE_TERMINATING : A retry would be attempted after an exception is thrown, and then if the execption is thrown again, the tasks execution would stop
DependentTasksExecutorConfig<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core
Configuration Object for Dexecutor framework.
DependentTasksExecutorConfig(ExecutorService, TaskProvider<T, R>) - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutorConfig
Construct the object with mandatory params, rest are optional
DependentTasksExecutorConfig(ExecutionEngine<T, R>, TaskProvider<T, R>) - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutorConfig
Construct the object with mandatory params, rest are optional


equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
execute(DependentTasksExecutor.ExecutionBehavior) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultDependentTasksExecutor
execute(DependentTasksExecutor.ExecutionBehavior) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutor
Kicks off the execution of the nodes based on the dependency graph constructed, using addDepen*** apis
execute() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.TaskProvider.Task
Framework would call this method, when it comes for tasks to be executed.
ExecutionEngine<T,R> - Interface in com.github.dexecutor.core
An Executor is the main execution engine, where in all the tasks are executed
ExecutionResult<T,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core
Holds execution result of a node identified by id
ExecutionResult(T, R, ExecutionStatus) - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResult
ExecutionResults<T,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core
Wrapper class around @ExecutionResult
ExecutionResults() - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResults
ExecutionStatus - Enum in com.github.dexecutor.core
Represents Tasks Execution status


getAll() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResults
getFirst() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResults
getId() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResult
getInComingNodes() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
getInitialNodes() - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Dag
Returns the Set of nodes for which there is no incoming dependencies.
getInitialNodes() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.DefaultDag
getLeafNodes() - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Dag
Retruns the set of nodes for which there is no outgoing dependencies.
getLeafNodes() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.DefaultDag
getOutGoingNodes() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
getResult() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResult
getResult() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
getValue() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node


hasAnyParentResult() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResults
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node


ioIntesivePoolSize() - Static method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.support.ThreadPoolUtil
Each tasks blocks 90% of the time, and works only 10% of its lifetime.
isErrored() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResult
isErrored() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
isShutdown() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultExecutionEngine
isShutdown() - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionEngine
Returns true if this executor has been shut down.
isSkipped() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResult
isSkipped() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
isSuccess() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResult
isSuccess() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node


LevelOrderTraversar<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
A Traversar which does level order traversal of the given graph
LevelOrderTraversar() - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.LevelOrderTraversar


Node<T,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
A node representation in this graph, every node may have set of incoming edges and outgoing edges, a node is represented by unique value
Node(T) - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
Constructs the node with the given node Id
Node.NodeStatus - Enum in com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
Represents node's execution status


poolSize(double) - Static method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.support.ThreadPoolUtil
Number of threads = Number of Available Cores / (1 - Blocking Coefficient) where the blocking coefficient is between 0 and 1.
Preconditions - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core.support
Support class to check for preconditions
print(Writer) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultDependentTasksExecutor
print(Writer) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutor
Prints the graph into the writer
provid(T) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.TaskProvider
Given the node id, returns the task to be executed, while building graph only the node ids are required, when it comes to execution Task objects would be constructed


setErrored() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
setResult(R) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
setSkipped() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
setSuccess() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
setTraversar(Traversar<T, R>) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutorConfig
Change the traversar to that of specified
setValidator(Validator<T, R>) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutorConfig
change the validator to that of specified
shouldConsiderExecutionError() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.TaskProvider.Task
shouldExecute(ExecutionResults<T, R>) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.TaskProvider.Task
Defines whether or not this task should be executed
size() - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Dag
Returns the total number of nodes in this graph
size() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.DefaultDag
submit(Callable<Node<T, R>>) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultExecutionEngine
submit(Callable<Node<T, R>>) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionEngine
Submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a Future representing the pending results of the task.


take() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultExecutionEngine
take() - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionEngine
Retrieves and removes the Future representing the next completed task, waiting if none are yet present.
TaskExecutionException - Exception in com.github.dexecutor.core
Tasks can throw this exception to report any issues encountered during task execution
TaskExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.dexecutor.core.TaskExecutionException
Create a new TaskExecutionException.
TaskExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.dexecutor.core.TaskExecutionException
Create a new TaskExecutionException.
TaskProvider<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Interface in com.github.dexecutor.core
A Task Provider provides Tasks to be executed, when it comes to execution
TaskProvider.Task<T,R> - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core
Represent a unit of execution in Dexecutor framework
TaskProvider.Task() - Constructor for class com.github.dexecutor.core.TaskProvider.Task
ThreadPoolUtil - Class in com.github.dexecutor.core.support
toString() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.DefaultExecutionEngine
toString() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResult
toString() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionResults
toString() - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node
Traversar<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Interface in com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
Provides an API to Traverse a given graph
traverse(Dag<T, R>, Writer) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.LevelOrderTraversar
traverse(Dag<T, R>, Writer) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Traversar
Traverse the given graph and print it on the Writer


validate(Dag<T, R>) - Method in class com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.CyclicValidator
validate(Dag<T, R>) - Method in interface com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Validator
Called to figure out if a graph is valid or not, exception should be thrown if the graph is invalid
Validator<T extends Comparable<T>,R> - Interface in com.github.dexecutor.core.graph
This interface provides API to validate the graph before tasks execution
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutor.ExecutionBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node.NodeStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.dexecutor.core.DependentTasksExecutor.ExecutionBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.dexecutor.core.ExecutionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.dexecutor.core.graph.Node.NodeStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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